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Managing content, not just creating it

An illustration of different types of content

With so much work going on at PDS, it can be easy to take our live services for granted. The work to build our new website is challenging our whole way of thinking, especially our approach to content management. In the meantime though, we've been doing plenty of work on

Getting to know you (and each other)

One of the teams taking a break from their user research

The Digital Development team in PDS has rapidly expanded, and there are a lot of new faces. Feedback from our last away day showed that staff wanted to get to know colleagues. With this purpose in mind we decided to get everyone together to do some user research.

Protecting Parliament from online threats

PDS staff at a Cyber Security Month drop-in session

We recently had our first Cyber Security Month event which helped staff understand the risk of online threats. In this blog post we talk about some of the things we did and what we're doing next to educate staff about these threats.

History doesn't repeat itself

A screenshot from the Sharepoint site

You do a project, make mistakes, find some solutions, and then forget about them. It’s a depressing thought, and has too often been true of IT projects and initiatives. Alan Bedford talks about what PDS has done to make sure we don't keep making the same mistakes.