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Working on the 'get kit' service design workstream

A member of the 'get kit' group looking at the prototypes displayed on a wall

We've recently been looking to improve how our users get their software and hardware when they join Parliament. Dan Barrett and Sian Hodges have written about the last eight weeks of work, what they did, and what they learned.

How I got to where I am: changing careers later in life 

Franny Gant

Franny Gant is a user researcher in PDS but she wasn’t always one. She's done loads of jobs from being a carpenter to working at Mumsnet so she's written about how she got to where she is.

The digital forms project and how we dealt with change

A whiteboard with lots of post its

The House of Commons recently asked staff to identify changes that could help to reduce bureaucracy. So we started a digital forms project which didn't turn out exactly as we'd planned and we've written about we dealt with change.