Parliamentary Product People

Colin Pattinson, one of the product managers at PDS, has blogged about a recent event we hosted for the wider product manager community.
Colin Pattinson, one of the product managers at PDS, has blogged about a recent event we hosted for the wider product manager community.
Matt Stutely and Tim Barnes introduce the new MemberHub, a digital service to help MPs and staff manage their work more efficiently.
The digital strategy for Parliament is an important thing. For the first time we have a statement of our digital ambition. It’s also significant that Parliament owns the strategy – it isn’t a strategy for PDS as a department. So we're looking for someone to join our Digital Strategy Board.
Product manager Elliot Richardson shares findings from a recent alpha phase into creating a guide on House of Commons procedure for MPs.
This is a regular event that brings together consumers and producers of open data services. The data and search team were there and they've blogged about the event and why open data should be a dialogue, not a broadcast.
Lois Jeary, a Hansard reporter, recently did some outreach at a local school. She talks about how it went and how Hansard isn't your typical job at Parliament.
Everyone hates meetings. But meetings don’t have to be your nemesis. Joe Strawson offers some advice on how to make meetings better.
The user research team are a busy bunch so how do they decide where to focus their time? Steve Bromley explains what these teams look like in Parliament and why user researchers support them.