Responding to the cyber security incident in Parliament

Rob Greig explains what happened during the cyber security incident that affected the Parliamentary network and how PDS responded. blogs use cookies to make the site simpler. Find out more about cookies
Rob was Director of PDS.
Rob Greig explains what happened during the cyber security incident that affected the Parliamentary network and how PDS responded.
Rob Greig talks about the threat of cyber attacks and why we have Cyber Security Month in Parliament
Last week I attended an Amazon Web Services (AWS) event about digital skills. There was lots of discussion about the difference in the skills needed for traditional IT and cloud technology. Given the huge growth in cloud technology, the skills gap is bigger than many people think.
It’s been nearly 20 months since the Parliamentary Digital Service (PDS) sprang to life. By rolling together the House of Commons Web and Intranet Service (WIS) and Parliamentary ICT we created PDS. And we didn’t exactly do what people expected.
The Parliamentary Digital Service came into being on the 1st of April, and behind the name change it is still very much two teams: Parliamentary Information Communication Technology (PICT) and the Web and Intranet Service (WIS).
The Digital Service is here to build excellent digital services for a modern Parliament.
Find out more about working at PDS and browse our current vacancies.
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