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Start with user needs

Members' activity alpha: the research part

A research session with post-its and notes on an MP's page

This is part one of a series on the people team’s recent alpha on members' activity. User researcher, Marttiina Gilchrist, shares the process and practices that were used to get the team immersed in research and understanding the users.

Beyond usability testing – picking the right research method

Someone doing usability testing in a research lab

When people think about user research, their image is often of our research lab. Steve Bromley explores the attraction to usability testing in a lab, but also explaind how we decide on the research method used.

Building a new online service: petitioning a hybrid bill

Boxes of written objections received in response to HS2 Bill

We recently launched an online process for petitioning against a hybrid bill after receiving hundreds of paper petitions against a recent bill. Sarah Purssell has blogged about why this was a good opportunity to develop this as a digital service.

What discovery, alpha, beta, and live mean at Parliament

Image of a #ukparlibeta sign

We're building a new website and rather than redesigning the entire website at once, we’re creating little bits of it in iterative steps. You'll probably hear us calling this 'agile' and 'iterative' design. Laurence Grinyer explains what agile working looks like in Parliament.

How many times did that happen? Why we don’t answer that question

Graph showing that an issue happening in testing once may happen up to 60% of time in the real world while an issue in testing happening 5 times might occur between 60% and 100% of the time in the real world

When presenting findings from usability testing, we often get asked ‘how many people had that issue’. In this post, Steve Bromley explains why we don’t answer that question.

Helping our users outside of Westminster

Map of Stockbridge

PDS is aware that the 650 MP constituency offices around the country don't often get the tech support they need from us. To help staff make the most of the services on offer, we've decided to create a local engagement team. Daniel Crutchfield explains what to expect from this new team.

Creating a new email subscription service for UK Parliament

A drawing of the subscription process in full

We’ve been looking at the sign up process and subscription service people use to get email updates from UK Parliament. We’ve just finished our alpha phase and want to share some of what we learned.

Our editorial direction for 2018

A finger pointing

Our Editor-in-Chief shares the editorial direction work of the content team for the year to come. As with all our strategic content work, these plans will be iterated and developed as the new website progresses.

MemberHub: changing the way MPs ask questions 

A screenshot of the MemberHub

Matt Stutely and Tim Barnes introduce the new MemberHub, a digital service to help MPs and staff manage their work more efficiently.