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Franny Gant

Franny Gant

Franny is a user researcher at PDS.

Why everyone needs to be in the room for user research

User research session with observers sitting round a TV screen

Franny Gant writes about bringing everyone together for user research for a recent project and why it's important to have the right people in the room.

How I got to where I am: changing careers later in life 

Franny Gant

Franny Gant is a user researcher in PDS but she wasn’t always one. She's done loads of jobs from being a carpenter to working at Mumsnet so she's written about how she got to where she is.

The future of the past – transforming the Archives

Parliamentary Acts on vellum in the Archives

The Parliamentary Archives stores more than four million records and are the oldest Parliamentary archive in the world. They recently started working on a transformation project and are planning on building a new website, which is where we come in.