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Work experience at the Parliamentary Digital Service - a student's perspective

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Saleen took part in our week-long pilot PDS work experience scheme, alongside five other year 13 students. He shares his experience of the week.

Hi, my name is Saleen and I am an A-level student in Newham. I am currently studying Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics at Sixth Form and I am an aspiring medic. Originally when I signed up for the Parliamentary Digital Service (PDS) work experience I wasn’t sure if it was for me. Having dreams of working in medicine, the world of Parliament seemed distant. I expected the work experience to involve technology heavily and whilst that is partly true, I felt that throughout the week I experienced all of Parliament not just the digital side.

My first day was fantastic. The morning started a bit slow, which is natural when getting accustomed to new people and surroundings. The team I met was incredibly warm, welcoming, and excited about the week ahead.

We were set many activities throughout the week, each one unique and different to one another, each fitting in with a part of Parliament and the PDS team that we met with that day. Alongside these activities, we were also given tours and other opportunities to learn more about Parliament.

Amongst all the activities, a few stand out the most to me. The most exciting for me was Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) on the Wednesday. Not only was it Rishi Sunak’s last PMQs as Leader of the Opposition, but it was also on the day of the Autumn budget. Being in the gallery and looking down upon the leaders of the nation was a surreal experience for me; everywhere I looked was a familiar face I thought I would only see on TV.

On the Wednesday, we were also taken on a tour around Parliament through the many corridors, courtyards, stairs and lifts. The sheer size of Parliament finally dawned on me. The amount of history stored within the walls is unrivalled with every room containing a different story. The few hours we had that morning weren't enough to visit all of Parliament —which is testament to its size—but what we did see was incredible and the experience will last a lifetime.

Later that day, we were invited to join Commons Speaker, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, in his study to listen to and ask questions about his job and his role within Parliament. It was an incredible experience. Having heard the Speaker, learning about his role, his motivations and aspirations, I felt proud to meet him. I was also in awe of his ideas and his love for his job and the work he does, which I hope to be able to take with me into my future.

Another memorable experience for me was a User Story Mapping activity where we learnt how to use wireframes to design products in the same way the PDS team do, to understand and get a feel for how projects come to life. Additionally, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience of creating and delivering a presentation, where we pitched the idea of a new intranet for Parliament to a panel of senior members from PDS and Parliament. This provided valuable insight into the process PDS staff undertake to turn their visions into reality.

Throughout the week, I had the privilege of meeting many people from Parliament and hearing their inspiring stories about how they joined and grew to love working there. Their diverse backgrounds in terms of education and ethnicity highlighted Parliament's inclusivity and acceptance. I was left feeling motivated about my own future knowing that anything is possible. Although I didn’t initially have aspirations in technology or politics, I approached my work experience in Parliament with an open mind, unsure of what to expect. By the end of the week, I can confidently say it was far more valuable and educational than I ever imagined.

Beyond gaining insight into how the Digital Service in Parliament operates—from its structure to the role of each component—I also developed valuable skills and discovered a newfound motivation that I believe will guide me toward a bright future.

You can also read about this from the perspective of the PDS team who planned and designed this pilot work experience scheme.

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