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Transforming digital in Parliament: an update from Tracey Jessup 

Over the last year, PDS has been working behind the scenes on a programme to transform the way digital services operate in Parliament.

The catalyst for this work was a review in 2019. This made some wide-ranging recommendations for Parliament’s overall digital direction.

Our work so far has focused on understanding Parliament’s digital ambitions and how we might deliver digital services in a better, more cohesive way. We’ve been a little delayed by unexpected work in response to the Covid pandemic, but we’re now making good progress.

Building strong foundations

In July, we set up the Transforming Digital programme as a Parliament-wide programme of digital change, owned by the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

This step was recognition that a partnership with colleagues across Parliament is key to getting the aims and objectives of this work right and making change stick.

We have also been building strong foundations for the programme’s success. As part of this, my own role as Managing Director of PDS and Chief Information Officer will be changing from 1 October 2020.

A new role

I will be concentrating on a refocused role as UK Parliament Chief Digital and Information Officer (CDIO).

This role encompasses the strategic part of my current responsibilities and enables me to focus full-time on what a modern Parliament needs from digital.

I'll be looking at how Parliament, as a customer and partner, can work more effectively with PDS to deliver digital services in a better and more cohesive way.

As the Transforming Digital programme moves ahead, this role will be key to its success in identifying and delivering what Parliament needs from digital now and in the future.

An exciting time to be part of digital in PDS

A new Managing Director for PDS will be recruited shortly through an open recruitment exercise to oversee day-to-day management and the delivery of digital services.

It’s a really exciting time to be part of digital in Parliament. I look forward to working closely with the successful candidate and colleagues across Parliament to transform the way we do things in the months ahead.

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