This week we've been continuing our work on topics and members, and started to look at long-form content with stakeholders in the Commons, Lords and POST.
Kheira has been planning user research on Members for the next three sprints, recruiting participants for discovery interviews on members and meeting with the regional outreach team to further our collaboration in the next year. She also finalised details for a visit to the Scottish Parliament with Emma Allen to share knowledge on development of a new website and ensure collaboration in the future.
Kheira also joined both Eds (M and W) and Ganesh to hold the first meeting with stakeholders in the long-form content project, which covers research briefings and select committee reports.
Rebecca and Giuseppe started working on the members application, separating out the SPARQL queries into a separate application which acts as an API between the front end app and the triple store. They deployed both applications to AWS, and completed and fully tested the query application.
Michael has been been picking apart the Members' Names Information Service to see what’s in there and how it all fits together, and breaking down the find-a-member user stories with Ganesh.
Jack iterated the topic prototype based on the feedback from usability testing.
Many of the team also attended part of the Data and Search Team's 'Data Day'.